
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

19. aprīlis 09:00

NEXIA AUDIREVI Lake Maggiore Half Marathon and 10K [ATCELTS un PĀRCELTS!]

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Mājas lapa: NEXIA AUDIREVI Lake Maggiore Half Marathon and 10K [ATCELTS un PĀRCELTS!]

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

(26.03.) Comunichiamo a malincuore che la 13^ edizione della NEXIA AUDIREVI Lago Maggiore Half Marathon in programma domenica 19 aprile 2020 è stata annullata.


It will be possible to transfer your registration with no additional cost, by maintaining the chosen distance (Half Marathon or 10K), to one of following events:

– 1st November 2020 10th Lago Maggiore Marathon (

– 18th April 2021 13th Lago Maggiore Half Marathon ( – (date to be confirmed)


Run your personal best over the most panoramic course in Italy! 59’06” second italian best crono all time!

With its course entirely along Piedmont side of Lake Maggiore, the NEXIA AUDIREVI Lake Maggiore Half Marathon is considered by everyone as one of the most panoramic race in the world.

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Viens komentārs rakstam NEXIA AUDIREVI Lake Maggiore Half Marathon and 10K [ATCELTS un PĀRCELTS!]

  • Andulis

    LMHM organizatori solījuši paziņot par skrējiena notikšanu vai atcelšanu ne vēlāk kā līdz 30. martam.
    (Tas gan rakstīts 6. martā – vēl PIRMS karantīnas ieviešanas visā Itālijā.)

    Tikmēr turpinās reģistrācija…





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