
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

24. februāris 09:00

Split Half Marathon

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Mājas lapa: Split Half Marathon

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

At its onset in year 2001 Split half marathon was constrained to the Marjan peninsula. In year 2007, start and finish were moved to the more attractive Riva. In 2015 half marathon finaly envelopes whole of Split, connecting all notable sporting and cultural sights across the town.

Accompanying half marathon two smaller races are taking place: 5km race for the general public and especially popular “Split mile” for preschool and elementary school children.

Through its relatively short history Split half marathon has attracted thousands of runners from all continents to witness split at its most celebratory, praising our patron aint St. Domnius, an event that lately also unofficially sets out tourist season.

  • Agrāk  2018

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