
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

23. septembris 10:00

TCS Lidingöloppet (22.-24. septembris)

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Mājas lapa: TCS Lidingöloppet (22.-24. septembris)
Pieteikšanās lapa: TCS Lidingöloppet (22.-24. septembris) pieteikšanās

Welcome to the worlds largest cross country race!

The TCS Lidingöloppet Weekend

Welcome to this year’s major running event for the whole family. Adults and children, elite runners as well as joggers. Everyone is welcome – on foot or on wheels. Which race suits you best: TCS Lidingöloppet 30, TCS Lidingöloppet 15, the Pink Ribbon Race, TCS Little Lidingöloppet, the Kiddie’s Lidingölopp, TCS LidingöRuset, TCS Lidingö Wheelchair or Lidingö Walking?

TCS Lidingöloppet is without a doubt a challenge for most people irrespective of which distance you choose to run. Whether you want to improve your time from last year, run faster than your neighbour, take your first steps in jogging or even try the Little Lidingölopp for the first time, our 51 years’ experience tell us that this could be your biggest challenge yet. The main categorie is 30 km, but there are categories for all ages and many different distances.

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