
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

8. aprīlis 10:00

NN Marathon Rotterdam

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Mājas lapa: NN Marathon Rotterdam
Pieteikšanās lapa: NN Marathon Rotterdam pieteikšanās

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

The country’s greatest, fastest and largest marathon.

The 38th NN Marathon Rotterdam takes place in the weekend of Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th April 2018. The world’s top athletes as well as thousands of runners from home and abroad get to experience what it’s like to finish on the renowned Coolsingel. It’s a marathon weekend that combines top sporting action with a festival feel. No other marathon in the Netherlands can match the Rotterdam atmosphere, with more than 950,000 enthusiastic spectators along the course.

The attribution of the IAAF Gold Label accents the international rating for the high quality of the NN Marathon Rotterdam.

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