
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

23. maijs

15th PZU Warsaw Half Marathon [TIEK PĀRCELTS!]

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Mājas lapa: 15th PZU Warsaw Half Marathon [TIEK PĀRCELTS!]

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:


(31-03-2020 15:03)

Dear runners,

15th Warsaw Half Marathon won’t be taking place on May 23rd. Taking into consideration the pandemic, increase in number of infected individuals in our country and the constantly changing situation, we believe this is the only possible and reasonable decision we could have made. We will announce the new date of the event by the end of April.


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Viens komentārs rakstam 15th PZU Warsaw Half Marathon [TIEK PĀRCELTS!]

  • Andulis

    Šodienas ziņa – arī Varšavas pusīte tiks pārcelta.

    “Dear runners,

    15th Warsaw Half Marathon won’t be taking place on May 23rd. Taking into consideration the pandemic, increase in number of infected individuals in our country and the constantly changing situation, we believe this is the only possible and reasonable decision we could have made. We will announce the new date of the event by the end of April.”





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