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2. marts

Coastal Trail Series – Northumberland {LŪDZU ATSTĀT “PRIVATE”! -A.Š.}

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Coastal Trail Series ir krosa skriešanas seriāls, kas norisinās Lielbritānijas skaistākajās un klinšainākajās krasta vietās no oktobra līdz maijam, kopā aizvadot 11 posmus.

Sezonas jaunums: katrā posmā ieviesta arī ultradistance. Dažos posmos, arī šajā, tā ir kvalifikācijas skrējiens The North Face® Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® 2014/2015 – 1 punkts.

Running here will nourish your soul like nowhere else on earth. The Northumberland Coastline boasts some of the most dramatic coastal scenery in the UK, and is best known for its sweeping sandy beaches, rolling dunes, high rocky cliffs and isolated islands. This striking landscape is steeped in history and there are few sights on earth that compare with Bamburgh Castle and its expansive and exposed bay-side setting.

A host of conservation sites, including two National Nature Reserves, testify to the great variety of wildlife and habitats found in this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Once here, you will feel as far removed from the pressures of modern life as it is possible to be so lace those trail shoes tight, take a deep breath and tune into the wind and waves as you let the stunning widescreen panorama unfold!

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