
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

1. janvāris 00:01

Neujahrsmarathon Zürich

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Mājas lapa: Neujahrsmarathon Zürich

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

Many organisations call their long-term goals “Strategy 2020″ or “Vision 2020″. But 2020 is just around the corner and hence no longer long-term. So it is high time to make the final preparations for a successful 2020. Of course, this also applies to runners: Those who want to start the year 2020 with a first personal highlight can now register for one of the running distances at the Neujahrsmarathon Zürich. As always, besides the main marathon distance, we also have a half marathon, a quarter marathon, a team run and a kids run you can choose from.

Please note that the number of starting places for the half and quarter marathons is again limited due to capacity reasons: The maximum number of starting places for the half marathon is 400, for the quarter marathon 300. In order to avoid negative surprises, we recommend early registration. For the marathon, the Team Run and the Kids Run there are no participant limits.



Izmanto iespēju sasniegt Latvijas labāko maratona rezultātu 2020. gada sezonā! :) Tādu statusu saglabāsi vairākas dienas vai pat nedēļas.

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