
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

24. aprīlis 10:00

Enschede Marathon

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Mājas lapa: Enschede Marathon

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

Oldest marathon of the Netherlands!
The Enschede Marathon is the oldest marathon of The Netherlands and Western Europe. At the first edition, in July 1947, 51 runners participated in the running competition. Today, almost 11.000 participants participate and the number is growing every year. The course is known as very fast and Enschede is therefore in the top 5 of Dutch marathons together with Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Eindhoven. Along the course, some 82.000 loyal spectators are encouraging the runners every year. Traditionally, around 950 enthusiastic and involved volunteers are helping to make the day a success. Through their years of experience (some more than 30 years!), the volunteers of the Enschede Marathon are contributing significantly to putting together a highly successful event.

Run a great game? That is possible in Enschede. But much more can be done! Surprise yourself, surpass yourself, every time. The trail is fast, the care optimal, and throughout the year you will be provided with the latest information about running. So do you want to improve yourself? Then come to Enschede!

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