
Komanda piedalās

20. maijs 05:00

XI. NN Ultrabalaton

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Mājas lapa: XI. NN Ultrabalaton
Pieteikšanās lapa: XI. NN Ultrabalaton pieteikšanās

Title of the race: XI. NN Ultrabalaton

Aim of the race:  To run or cycle around our beloved Lake Balaton, the biggest lake of Central Europe and to explore ourselves, our team mates and the beautiful rural scenery along the route.

Date: 19-21 May 2016

Race centre: Club Aliga Balaton, 8171 Balatonvilágos, 1 Aligai út .

Distance: One lap around Lake Balaton J  (220 km)

Route: Balatonaliga – Balatonfüred – Pécsely – Badacsonyörs – Keszthely – Fonyód – Balatonboglár – Siófok – Balatonaliga.


  • Individual Women’s
  • Individual Men’s
  • Women’s Double
  • Men’s Double (if the team has a male member, the team is classified here)
  • Women’s Triple
  • Men’s Triple (if the team has a male member, the team is classified here)
  • Women’s Four
  • Men’s Fouur (if the team has a male member, the team is classified here)
  • Women’s Five
  • Men’s Five (if the team has a male member, the team is classified here)
  • Overall Women’s relay for 6-12-member teams
  • Overall Men’s relay for 6-12-member teams (if the team has a male member, the team is classified here)
  • Section champion (The fastest female or male competitor  to complete a given section of the race)
  • UB Individual Women’s Half Marathon
  • UB Individual Men’s Half Marathon

Separately evaluated team categories:

Company team category for  6-12- member teams (Teams must be formed from employees working at the same company and their relatives). Company teams are also evaluated in the overall 6-12-member team relays).

Cycling Tour: As its name suggests, the cycling tour is not a race. Bikers do not compete against time, the tour is an opportunity  to experience the atmosphere of Ultrabalaton.

Cut off time: Individual runners and teams have 32 hours from the start time to complete the race.

Start times: Please provide your estimated finish time when you register your team for the race as start times are calculated based on this data. Submitted finish times can be modified until 1 April. Please use the section calculator to help you estimate your lap time. The slowest teams will be assigned to the first wave and the fastest ones to the last wave. Average speed teams will be assigned to waves in between the two in order to prevent congestion and collision. Unfortunately road infrastructure around the lake wasn’t planned with an UB type race in mind. We will need your cooperation in submitting correct lap-times, so that we can plan ahead. A free UB 2017 team registration will be raffled off among those teams who provide us with the most precise finish time.

  • Individual competitors: 5:00 a.m. on 20 May 2017
  • Slower double and triple teams: 5:30 a.m.
  • Slower 4-member teams: 8:00 a.m.
  • Slower 5-member teams: 8:30 a.m.
  • Faster double and triple teams: 9:30
  • Faster 4-member teams: 10:00
  • Faster 5-member teams: 10:30
  • 6-12-member  teams: between 6:30  a.m. and 14:50 p.m.
  • Cycling Tour: 10:45 a.m.,  11:45 a.m. and  12:45  a.m. on 28


NN Ultrabalaton 2017 individuālās reģistrācijas maksa (bruto cenas HUF).

Reģistrācijas un maksājuma


Individuālā dalības maksa Dalības maksa pavadošajam velosipēdistam (zināšanai: arī saņem medāli ar konkrēta veida lenti,atšķirīgu no parastajiem “cycling tour” tipa braucējiem,drīkst ieturēties pie visiem galdiņiem)
Līdz 15.01.2017. 32000 HUF (~104 EUR) 7900 HUF (~26 EUR)
Līdz 15.02.2017. 42000 HUF (~136 EUR) 9900 HUF (~32 EUR)
No 16.02.2017. 49000 HUF (~159 EUR) 12900 HUF (~42 EUR)


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