
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

3. janvāris 07:30

Sea of Galilee Tiberias Marathon

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Mājas lapa: Sea of Galilee Tiberias Marathon

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

Israel’s first marathon is warming up on the starting line for the 43rd time!
Tiberias Marathon, the race that paved the way for Israel’s booming running culture, offers a fast and flat course, running alongside views of the Sea of Galilee and the surrounding green mountains in a celebration that doesn’t stop for 42.2 kilometers.
Tiberias “Winner” Marathon has been for decades a springboard for many runners to their next long run, and has been chosen by thousands of runners as the preferred course for their first full marathon or half marathon, due to the convenient route and the pleasant atmosphere.
Come with us to experience the marathon of the marathons in Israel!

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