
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

15. novembris 08:45

EDP Rock ’n’ Roll Madrid Maratón & 1/2 [MAINĪTS datums, tad ATCELTS vispār!]

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Mājas lapa: EDP Rock ’n’ Roll Madrid Maratón & 1/2 [MAINĪTS datums, tad ATCELTS vispār!]

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The event offers 3 distances, Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K, so that everyone can enjoy the biggest running party in the country. You will also experience a unique festive atmosphere where thousands of spectators take the streets the day of the event to encourage the participants and to feel part of this great celebration.

In addition to having an incredibly beautiful and touristic course through the heart of Madrid, the EDP Rock ‘n’ Roll Madrid Marathon & ½ is an authentic running party, with more than 30 entertainment stages and stations located along the course. You will rock like never before!

Let the Rock ‘n’ Roll, the spirits and the strides sound loudbecause the road to our dreams has just begun. Let’s make it unique and let’s make it great. Let’s make it legendary!

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