
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

14. oktobris

International Lake Garda Marathon

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Mājas lapa: International Lake Garda Marathon
Pieteikšanās lapa: International Lake Garda Marathon pieteikšanās

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Lake Garda is a unique setting where the breathtaking view of the lake and mountains touches your soul. The lush natural landscape is an open invitation to enjoy a vacation full of activity and relaxation, where you can pamper yourself, recharge your batteries, get a healthy workout, and enjoy all sorts of sports in the great outdoors.
The International Lake Garda Marathon was created to promote and highlight the unique features and attractions of our local tourism industry: running along the banks overlooking the crystalline waters of the lake on a dazzling October morning will demonstrate everything we are famous for.  Lake Garda – an extraordinary combination of history, culture, tradition, and hospitality – looks forward to welcoming the athletes who plan to participate in the International Lake Garda Marathon and also their family members, friends, and trainers, to show them a sample of the extraordinary things it has to offer. The strikingly beautiful route, almost entirely along the Lake Garda lakefront, will give athletes a chance to compete in a first class sports event and have a taste of top-quality hospitality. All the towns on the lake and the historical cities of art — Verona with the Arena, Rovereto with the Mart museum, Trento with its old town center and the Buonconsiglio castle, and Brescia with its museums and art exhibits – look forward to welcoming the participants of the International Lake Garda Marathon to give them not just a competition, but also a dream vacation.

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4 komentāri rakstam International Lake Garda Marathon

  • Dzirdēti nostāsti par šo ezeru no kaislīgiem windsērfinga un moto cienītājiem

  • RimantsL RimantsL

    Mans labs paziņa šogad ar šauj uz turieni, esot skaisti!!

  • Ainars Ainars

    Džo, tauta gribēs izsmeļošu informāciju par taviem abiem sapārotajiem Itālijas maratoniem ar gandrīz diviem pjedestāliem vecuma grupā:) Apsveikumi!

  • Dzo

    Gari izplūst laika galīgi nav :(, bet abi maratoni bija fantastiski un katrs ar kaut ko izcēlās. Pirmais ar organizācijas līmeni, atmosfēru un balvām (arī netitulētajiem finišētājiem), otrais ar distanci. Btw, pirmajā nolikuma īpatnību dēļ (galvenā balva tika solīta pirmajiem 5 kopvērtējumā, pa grupām apbalvojot atlikušos) grupā bija iespēja kāpt uz augstākā pjedestāla.
    Savukārt Gardas distance izcēlās ar nepārspējamu ainavu un rakursu maiņu. Distance apkopoja esenci no visa, ko vien var iedomāties – gan skriešanu gar un zem klintīm, gan caur vīnogu laukiem, gan mazpilsētas vēsturiskajām ieliņām, nepārtraukti ļaujot sajust ezera plašumus vai skatīt upes steidzīgo ritējumu. Ja kāds domā, kur noskriet savu pirmo maratonu, tad viennozīmīgi varu ieteikt Gardu – ar garantiju tas radīs atkarību.





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