
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

10. maijs 08:30

Lisbon Eco Marathon [ATCELTS!]

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Mājas lapa: Lisbon Eco Marathon [ATCELTS!]

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

Lisbon Eco Marathon is the only Marathon with the entire course in the city of Lisbon, positioning the capital of Portugal in the calendar of this type of renown races around the world.

Ecology, Competition and Social Solidarity are the main assumptions of this event.

In addition to the “mythical” distance of 42,195 km, there is the possibility of doing two additional distances, the Half Marathon and a 12 km race, thus opening the challenge to all kind of athletes. Conviviality and good disposition are the main slogans.

The races are held in the “lungs of the city” – Parque Florestal de Monsanto (Monsanto Forest Park), in a way that minimizes the annoyances for the resident population, due to the reduced need for roadblocks, and at the same time makes it an event with one of the most iconic courses for the practitioners of this sport.

Course not measurable to AIMS standards

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