
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

1. janvāris 00:01

Neujahrsmarathon Zürich

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Mājas lapa: Neujahrsmarathon Zürich

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

After we had to cancel last year’s Neujahrsmarathon Zurich with a heavy heart, we are even more pleased to start the preparations for the 17th edition of the Neujahrsmarathon Zurich with an enlarged organizing committee.
The Neujahrsmarathon Zurich makes it possible to implement New Year’s resolutions even before the New Year has really gotten going. It offers the chance to set a best time on New Year’s eve and start the New Year running under the night sky lit up by fireworks. Join in and start the New Year with an unforgettable sporting highlight on January 1, 2022. The next edition of the Neujahrsmarathon Zurich will again feature a half marathon, a quarter marathon, a team run and a 750m Kids Run in addition to the prestigious marathon distance.


Izmanto iespēju sasniegt Latvijas labāko maratona rezultātu 2022. gada sezonā! :) Tādu statusu saglabāsi vairākas dienas vai pat nedēļas.

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